Stiti ca am scris din cand in cand despre unele vorbe care se zic in popor dar cu care nu sunt de acord.
Unii din voi mi-ati zis: „Greu cu tine! Tu nu esti de acord cu una, nu esti de acord cu cealalta. Ce treaba-i asta?!”
De aceea (dar nu numai de aceea) m-am gandit ca este bine sa scriu si despre lucruri cu care sunt de acord.
De exemplu, azi sa luam aceasta vorba pe care am auzit-o din cand in cand:
„Nimeni nu este de neinlocuit…”
Ei, bine. Sunt de acord! Insa cu urmatoarea precizare: nimeni nu este de neinlocuit, atat timp cat este un nimeni.
Nah, amu-i bine? Multumiti? Mai vin si altele.
This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it.
Everybody was sure Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody‘s job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody.
Si bonus la bonus (metabonus s-ar numi?):
Everybody said that anybody could do
The important things somebody should do
Everybody knows that anybody could do
All the good things that nobody didWell the preacher came to me and said what I ought to do
If I wanted to make my religion true
He’d do it himself but he really didn’t have the time
He said that the duty was mineRepeat Chorus (x2)
Well the deacon came by and said give me a hand
If you want to be going to the promised land
Here is something that I don’t have time to do
So I better give it to youRepeat Chorus (x2)
Well I’m too busy so I tell everybody
The work’s got to get done by somebody
It could be done by anybody
But nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody didRepeat Chorus (x2)
All the good things that nobody did (x2)
nimeni nu e de neilocuit….dar pe unele persoane nu iti permiti sa le pierzi… :)