Vinerea melodioasă :: New Day

Every day is a new day
Every dawn is a new sunrise
Every beauty He placed here for me
Every day is a new day
Every journey He’s by my side
And never will I see this world the same

Sun came up this morning looking the same
as it always has
The birds begin to sing their same old songs
I noticed the dew on the leaves of the grass
the blossoms on the branch of the trees
Then i remembered God made all of this just for me

Every day is a new day
Every dawn is a new sunrise
Every beauty He placed here for me
Every day is a new day
Every journey He’s by my side
And never will I see this world the same

I thought of his hands creating the majesty
of all the mountains we climb
His gentle sculpting of the oceans and seas
His sbreath giving life to all mankind
His voice speaking night into day
Inorder to give this special gift to me

Every day is a new day
Every dawn is a new sunrise
Every beauty He placed here for me
Every day is a new day
Every journey He’s by my side
And never will I see this world
the same
(repeat chorus)

Its a new day
Its a new day


Si o varianta in studio (personal, imi place mai mult asta din pricina ca vad ce face fiecare la instrumente :D):


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