I Can’t Wait To Get To Heaven

L-am auzit de cateva ori pe Richard Wurmbrand vorbind cu drag despre Cerul pe care il asteptam. Spunea el ca daca in 6 zile EL a facut tot ce vedem si ne minunam de creatia Sa, cat de minunate vor fi locurile din Cer avand in vedere ca EL le pregateste de 2000 de ani pentru noi!

Am regasit aceasta idee intr-o piesa a lui Keith Green. Pun doua variantele, ambele inregistrate live.

You know, I look around at the world and I see all the beauty that God made. I see the forest and the trees and all the things. And says in the Bible that He made them is six days and I don’t know if they’re a literal six days or not. Scientists would say no, some theologians would say yes. But I know that Jesus Christ has been preparing a home for me and for some of you, for two thousand years. And if the world took six days and that home two thousand years, hey man, this is like living in a garbage can compared to what’s going on up there.

Seaside sunset, silver linings round the clouds,
Birds fly, singing, making such a joyful sound.
Thoughts of heaven somehow seem to fill my mind,
But I can’t even imagine, what it is I’m gonna find.

I can’t wait to get to Heaven,
when you’ll wipe away all my fears.
In six days you created everything,
but you’ve been working on Heaven two thousand years.

Deep green forests, mountains reaching for the sky,
Grasslands and deserts, your creation fills my eye.
Thank you, thank you Jesus, though this beauty is just a taste,
Of all your glory I’ll see when I pass through those gates.

I can’t wait to get to Heaven,
when you’ll wipe away all my fears.
In six days you created everything,
but you’ve been working on Heaven two thousand years.

I can’t wait to get to Heaven,
when you’ll wipe away all my fears.
In six days you created all of the world,
But you’ve been working on Heaven,

You’ve been working on heaven, Holy Spirit,
You’ve been working on Heaven, two thousand years.


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